Floral Separator

Looking for career boost? Here's how study abroad can help to scale up in career

Global perspective

Studying abroad exposes you to different cultures, languages, and ways of thinking. It broadens your perspective and enhances your intercultural competence. Employers increasingly value candidates with a global mindset who can work effectively in diverse environments.

Language skills

Studying abroad provides an excellent opportunity to improve your language skills, especially if you choose a destination where the primary language is different from your native language. Proficiency in multiple languages is highly valued in many industries and can give you a competitive edge in the job market.

Adaptability and resilience

Living and studying in a foreign country requires adaptability, resilience, and problem-solving skills. These qualities are highly transferable to the workplace, as they demonstrate your ability to navigate unfamiliar situations, handle challenges, and quickly adapt to new environments.

Cultural intelligence

Studying abroad develops your cultural intelligence, which is the ability to work effectively across cultures. This skill is increasingly sought after by employers as companies become more globalized and diverse. Cultural intelligence allows you to understand and navigate different cultural norms, communicate effectively with people from various backgrounds, and collaborate in multicultural teams.

Networking opportunities

While studying abroad, you have the chance to build a global network of contacts. This includes fellow students, professors, professionals, and alumni in your host country. Networking can open doors to international job opportunities, internships, and collaborations. Your study abroad experience can serve as a conversation starter and make you stand out to potential employers.

Enhanced resume/CV

Studying abroad is a significant addition to your resume/CV. It showcases your willingness to step out of your comfort zone, pursue new challenges, and embrace diverse experiences. Employers often view study abroad experiences as indicators of independence, cultural awareness, and a proactive attitude towards personal and professional development.

Specialized knowledge and skills

Depending on your study abroad program, you may gain specialized knowledge and skills that are relevant to your field of study or future career. For example, studying in a country known for its expertise in a particular industry or discipline can provide unique learning opportunities and insights that are highly valued by employers in those fields.

Personal growth and self-confidence

Studying abroad can contribute to personal growth, self-confidence, and self-awareness. These qualities can positively impact your career trajectory by enabling you to take on new challenges, make informed decisions, and present yourself with confidence in job interviews and professional settings.