how study abroad helps in global citizen

The Role of Study Abroad in Promoting Global Citizenship (Statistics)

Study abroad is the experience of living and studying in a country other than one’s own. It is a popular activity for students of all ages and backgrounds, and it can be a life-changing experience.


Study abroad plays an important role in promoting global citizenship. Global citizenship is the concept that we are all part of a global community, and that we have a responsibility to work together to solve global problems. Study abroad helps students to develop the knowledge, skills, and values that they need to be effective global citizens.

Here are some of the ways that study abroad promotes global citizenship:

  • Exposure to different cultures: Study abroad exposes students to different cultures, which helps them to develop a better understanding of the world and its people. This understanding is essential for effective global citizenship.
  • Development of cross-cultural communication skills: Study abroad forces students to learn how to communicate with people from different cultures. This is an important skill for any global citizen, as it allows us to build relationships and work together with people from all over the world.
  • Development of critical thinking skills: Study abroad challenges students to think critically about their own culture and the cultures of others. This helps them to develop their own values and beliefs, and it also helps them to understand and respect the values and beliefs of others.
  • Development of empathy and compassion: Study abroad exposes students to the challenges that people face in other parts of the world. This helps them to develop empathy and compassion for others, and it motivates them to work to make the world a better place.

Statistics on the role of study abroad in promoting global citizenship:

  • A study by the Institute of International Education found that 94% of study abroad students reported that their study abroad experience helped them to become more global citizens.
  • A study by the Association of International Educators found that study abroad students are more likely to be employed in international jobs after graduation.
  • A study by the University of Michigan found that study abroad students are more likely to volunteer for international causes after graduation.


Study abroad is a powerful tool for promoting global citizenship. It helps students to develop the knowledge, skills, and values that they need to be effective global citizens. Study abroad is an investment in the future, and it is an opportunity for students to make a difference in the world

Higher Studies

Read about students experiences across the globe.

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